Uses and Benefits of Steel Fibers

The rule of thumb says that small fibers tend to be used where the control of crack propagation is highly important when it comes to the design consideration. The number of fibers per kilogram that is often refered as the fiber counts permits the distribution of steel reinforcement. In simple words, high fiber counts shall permit finer distribution of steel fiber reinforcements throughout the matrix. Consequently, there are greater crack control witnesses during the drying process. In contrast to this, as they exhibit better matrix anchorage at high deformations, they tend to exhibit better post-crack strength. It is for this reason that steel fibers play an important role in many applications of the construction and infrastructure industry. Among a large number of steel fiber manufacturers existing in India, Precision Drawell Pvt. Ltd. stands apart and has created a stern position for itself in this area. The team of experts here are dedicated to manufacturer steel fibers and set records through winning the customer confidence. 

steel fibers construction

Cement is known to have a tendency to weaken over time and developing cracks. Steel fibers are often added to mortar, Portland cement concrete or refractory concrete. This helps to increase the flexural strength of the concrete from 25% to 100%. The increase, however, shall depend upon the proportion of fibers added in the mix and the mix design. The technology used in steel fibers construction actually transforms a brittle material into a more ductile one. Thereby virtually eliminating the catastrophic failure of concrete as the steel fibers continue to support the load after the cracking has occurred. Overall, here are three main steel fiber properties that enhance the quality of cement when it is added; prevention of ruptures over time increased toughness with the capacity to withstand the tensile forces and improved tensile strength that shall divide the weight that cement has to bear individually. However, all this shall depend upon the kind of material used to manufacture steel fibres. The hunt for good quality steel fibers ends at Precision Drawell where rigorous efforts and immense research has resulted in steel fibers names Toughcrete and Toughcrete+.

steel fibres

Toughcrete and Toughcrete+ are the names on which one can rely upon when it comes to residential, commercial, industrial and other construction use. Manufactured with the latest technologies, they are successful at improving the flexural strength of the cement and the load standing capacity. The proportion of steel fibers in the complete mix design ranges from 0.2% to 2% i.e., 15 to 150 kilogram per cubic meter of the composite volume. The mix design shall largely depend upon the applications and physical properties that are desired in the project. A random distribution of fibresteel in concrete shall ensure that the stress accommodation is crack free throughout the concrete. Before the cracks develop and impair the performance of the concrete, microcracks intercept. While it is a known fact that steel fibres, when reinforced in concrete, have high flexural and fatigue flexural strength, they tend to improve abrasion, spalling and impact resistance also. Moreover, they are preferred as a far more economical design alternative.


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